
Classes & Workshops

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

3 events,


Cuidado Prenatal


Nutrición de la Mamá


Mommy Nutrition

3 events,


Expectativas Infantiles


Infant Expectations


Newborn Care- First 6 Weeks

3 events,


Expectativas Del Niño de 0-3 Meses


Infant Expectations 0-3 Months


Smoking, Alcohol & Drugs During Pregnancy

3 events,


Sewing Class/ Clase de Costura


Infant Expectations: 6-9 Months

2 events,


Helping Children Process Change


First Time Moms (Pregnant)

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,


Su Primer Trimestre


Your First Trimester


Labor Expectations

3 events,


Healthy Start-Señales De Parto y El Proceso De Nacimiento


L & D: Medical Pain Relief, Interventions

3 events,


Expectativas Sobre El Nino:9-12 Meses


Infant Expectations: 9-12 Months

3 events,


Accidentes En Infantes

2 events,


First Time Moms (After Pregnancy)


Family Stability Inside Change

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,


Su Segundo Trimestre


Your Second Trimester

3 events,


Expectativas Del Niño De 6-9 Meses


Teething Time

3 events,






L & D: Natural Comfort Measures

3 events,


Sewing Class/ Clase de Costura

2 events,


Successful Family Living


First Time Moms (Pregnant)

0 events,

0 events,

2 events,


Moonshot Families/Familias de Moonshot


Your Third Trimester

3 events,


Síndrome De Muerte Súbita Infantil


Anything Breastfeeding Mary Becker-IBCLC

3 events,


Cuidado Infantil Simple


Simple Infant Care


Infant Accidents

3 events,


Expectativas Sobre El Parto

2 events,


First Time Moms (After Pregnancy)


Positive Partnerships – Boundaries

0 events,

0 events,

3 events,


El Último Tramo


The Final Stretch


Labor De Parto y Nacimiento: Medidas de Confort Natural

3 events,


Contacto Visual Significa Amor


Eye Contact Means Love


Understanding Your Infant

3 events,


Como Hacer Dormir Al Bebe


Getting Your Baby To Sleep



2 events,

2 events,


First Time Moms (Pregnant)

0 events,

0 events,
