
Getting Your Baby To Sleep

Why do babies sleep for such short stretches of time, and when can you expect yours to sleep through the night? What is a normal sleep cycle, and what makes a baby a “good” sleeper? This video will answer these questions, help you through some common sleep challenges, and provide tips on how to get your baby into a sleep cycle you can both live and sleep with! Topics include: • newborn thru first year • newborn sleep • sleep cycle • sleep habits • sleep environments • sleep/wake cycle • self-soothing • cry-it-out • naps • SIDS • night waking • swaddling • bedtime routine • sleeping at night.

Como Hacer Dormir Al Bebe

¿Por qué los bebés duermen durante periodos cortos de tiempo y cuándo puedes esperar que el tuyo duerma toda la noche? ¿Cuál es un ciclo normal de sueño y qué hace que tu bebé sea un “buen” durmiente? Este video responderá estas preguntas, te ayudará a superar algunos desafíos comunes a la hora de dormir y te aconsejará sobre cómo lograr que tu bebé tenga un ciclo de sueño para que puedas vivir y descansar bien. Los temas incluyen: • recién nacido hasta el primer año • sueño del recién nacido • ciclo del sueño • hábitos de sueño • entornos de sueño • ciclo de sueño/vigilia • auto-calmante • llanto • siestas • SMSL • despertar nocturno • pañales • rutina a la hora de acostarse • dormir de noche.


Amamos a nuestros bebés, pero ODIAMOS su llanto. ¡En especial el llanto inconsolable que no puedes solucionar! Es difícil escucharlo, ¡y nos pone tan SENSIBLES! ¡Evoca sentimientos muy profundos! Quizás se pregunte: “¿Esto es normal?”, “¿Estoy haciendo algo mal?” O peor, “¿Le pasa algo malo a mi bebé?” Incluso puede haber una moles-ta vocecita interior que se pregunta: “¿Soy un mal padre?” ¡Este video responde todas esas preguntas y habla sobre maneras en las que puede calmar a su bebé y qué hacer si no puede detener el llanto!

Expectativas Del Niño De 6-9 Meses

“You have a brain in your head, and feet in your shoes. You can go in any direction you choose.” And just as Dr. Seuss says, your baby is discovering mobility! He is starting to get around on his own and interact with his family and other familiar people in his environment. His brain is growing so fast and he is learning so much! In this video we will talk about your baby’s brain development and the milestones you will see him reach at six months!

Infant Expectations: 9-12 Months

It’s hard to believe that your baby is getting ready to hit their first birthday! That’s epic! They have changed so much from when they were first born! Soon you’ll have a toddler to chase after! And with this comes a bit of independence that can create a little bit of insecurity for both you and your baby. In this video, we talk about those milestones your baby will be hit by one year and the things you can do to help your child adjust to their new-found independence.

Expectativas Sobre El Nino:9-12 Meses

Expectations for Your Baby: 9-12 Months It’s hard to believe that your baby is getting ready to celebrate his or her first birthday! Epic! He or she has changed so much since he or she was born! You will soon be running around chasing a toddler! And with this comes a little independence that can create some insecurity for you and your baby. In this video we will discuss the milestones your baby will reach by the time he or she reaches one year old and what you can do to help him or her adjust to his or her newfound independence.

Infant Expectations: 6-9 Months

You have brains in your head and feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. And just as Dr. Seuss suggests, your baby is discovering their mobility! They’re beginning to move around on their own and interact with their family and other familiar people in their lives. Their brains are developing so quickly, and they’re learning so much! In this video, we talk about your baby’s brain development and the milestones you’ll see them hitting by nine months!

Infant Expectations 0-3 Months

In the first three months, it may seem that all your baby does at first is eat, sleep, poop, and repeat. But really, a lot of changes occur as your newborn discovers life outside the womb. They are developing physical strength, learning to communicate and interact with you, and taking in all the sights and sounds of their new world. And to top it off, they are hitting important milestones that start them on their way to growing up! In this video, we talk about what milestones are and the milestones your baby should be hitting by three months!

Expectativas Del Niño de 0-3 Meses

En los primeros tres meses puede parecer que todo lo que su bebé hace al principio es comer, dormir, defecar y así de nuevo otra vez. Pero en realidad se producen muchos cambios a medida que su recién nacido descubre la vida fuera del vientre. Está adquiriendo fuerza física, aprendiendo a comunicarse y a interactuar con usted, asimilando lo que ve y los sonidos de su nuevo mundo. Y además de todo eso, ¡está logrando cosas importantes que lo llevará por el camino del crecimiento! ¡En este video hablaremos sobre qué son los logros y qué debería lograr su bebé a los tres meses!

Infant Expectations 0-3 Months

In the first three months, it may seem that all your baby does at first is eat, sleep, poop, and repeat. But really, a lot of changes occur as your newborn discovers life outside the womb. They are developing physical strength, learning to communicate and interact with you, and taking in all the sights and sounds of their new world. And to top it off, they are hitting important milestones that start them on their way to growing up! In this video, we talk about what milestones are and the milestones your baby should be hitting by three months!