
Expectativas Del Niño De 3-6 Meses

Cuando su bebé nació, los únicos sonidos que producía eran balbuceos contentos y sonidos guturales al comer o llantos fuertes cuando lo necesitaban. Pero solo seis meses después, su bebito inteligente balbucea sonidos que descubrió hace poco, como “mmmm” y vocales como “ah” ¡que al decirlas juntas serán como música para sus oídos! Y sus gritos entusiasmados lo alientan de la manera correcta. En este video hablaremos del desarrollo que verá en su bebé en el período de los tres a seis meses y cómo puede alentar a su bebé y ayudarlo a aprender.

Infant Expectations 0-3 Months

In the first three months, it may seem that all your baby does at first is eat, sleep, poop, and repeat. But really, a lot of changes occur as your newborn discovers life outside the womb. They are developing physical strength, learning to communicate and interact with you, and taking in all the sights and sounds of their new world. And to top it off, they are hitting important milestones that start them on their way to growing up! In this video, we talk about what milestones are and the milestones your baby should be hitting by three months!

Expectativas Del Niño de 0-3 Meses

En los primeros tres meses puede parecer que todo lo que su bebé hace al principio es comer, dormir, defecar y así de nuevo otra vez. Pero en realidad se producen muchos cambios a medida que su recién nacido descubre la vida fuera del vientre. Está adquiriendo fuerza física, aprendiendo a comunicarse y a interactuar con usted, asimilando lo que ve y los sonidos de su nuevo mundo. Y además de todo eso, ¡está logrando cosas importantes que lo llevará por el camino del crecimiento! ¡En este video hablaremos sobre qué son los logros y qué debería lograr su bebé a los tres meses!

Infant Expectations: 3-6 Months

In this video, we talk about the development you’ll see in your baby in the three- to six-month range and how you can encourage and help your baby learn. Topics include: • three to six months • language and communication • social and emotional milestones • cognitive milestones • development • normal expected age ranges • infant milestones • movement milestones • physical development • baby’s personality • interacting with baby.

Baby on The Move

Even before your baby was born, she was on the move. Much of her physical development before and after birth leads to her ultimate goals of standing and walking. From the earliest milestones to when she is finally walking, skipping, and jumping, a baby must learn many new skills along the way. This video will walk a parent through the developmental milestones that ultimately lead to their baby’s first steps. It will also offer helpful tips to create a safe environment for a baby’s exploration, and what to do if they come to a bump in the road, where their baby is not hitting those key milestones

Movimiento del Bebé

Aun cuando tu bebé no había nacido, ya estaba en movimiento. La mayor parte de su desarrollo físico antes y después del nacimiento lo conduce a lograr sus metas de ponerse de pie y caminar. Desde los primeros gestos hasta que logra dar sus primeros pasos, brincos y saltos, el bebé debe aprender nuevas habilidades. Tu bebé tiene muchas cosas que ver y experimentar. Este video acompañará a los padres a través del desarrollo del bebé desde sus primeras risas, balbuceos y gestos, hasta dar sus primeros pasos. También te ofrecerá consejos sobre cómo crear un ambiente seguro para cuando el bebé comience a explorar, y qué hacer si te sientes como en un laberinto sin salida si tu bebé no está logrando sus primeras metas.

Getting Your Baby To Sleep

Why do babies sleep for such short stretches of time, and when can you expect yours to sleep through the night? What is a normal sleep cycle, and what makes a baby a “good” sleeper? This video will answer these questions, help you through some common sleep challenges, and provide tips on how to get your baby into a sleep cycle you can both live and sleep with! Topics include: • newborn thru first year • newborn sleep • sleep cycle • sleep habits • sleep environments • sleep/wake cycle • self-soothing • cry-it-out • naps • SIDS • night waking • swaddling • bedtime routine • sleeping at night.

Dunstan Baby Language Lessons 1 & 3

Lesson 1:Covering the first three sounds and Priscilla’s story, this lesson will help your clients understand their baby and the cries and sounds they make. Included topics in this lesson are: Priscilla’s story; a welcome; “neh” means “feed me”; “owh” means “I’m tired”; “eh” means “burp me.”

Lesson 3:In lesson three, you will learn what the sounds “eairh” and “heh” mean. Dunstan Baby Language comes from Priscilla Dunstan, who was born with the unusual gift of a photographic memory for sounds. Topics include: • Dunstan Baby Language • Priscilla Dunstan • baby words • listen to baby • “eairh” • “heh” • gas bubble pain • baby massage • diaper change • baby body temperature • uncomfortable baby.

Infant Expectations: 0-3 Months

In the first three months, it may seem that all your baby does at first is eat, sleep, poop, and repeat. But really, a lot of changes occur as your newborn discovers life outside the womb. They are developing physical strength, learning to communicate and interact with you, and taking in all the sights and sounds of their new world. And to top it off, they are hitting important milestones that start them on their way to growing up! In this video, we talk about what milestones are and the milestones your baby should be hitting by three months!