

This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together and work on interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and teamwork that will prepare them for adulthood. The video will give tips on how to parent your sibling children to build strong bonds and how to manage sibling rivalry. Topics include: • best friends • sibling relationships • new baby • bonding • sibling rivalry • bickering • parenting.


Crecen juntos, viven la vida juntos y comparten a papá y mamá. A veces se pelean como perros y gatos, o muestran una bondad y un sacrificio increíbles. Y a veces, se pegan simplemente porque están aburridos. Son hermanos. Este video arroja luz sobre la relación única que tienen los hermanos mientras crecen juntos y elaboran las relaciones interpersonales, la comunicación eficaz y el trabajo en equipo que les preparan para la edad adulta. Se dan consejos sobre como educar a los hijos para que establezcan vínculos fuertes y como gestionar la rivalidad entre hermanos.

Meeting & Handling The Handoffs-Single Mother

A well-planned coparenting meeting can be the foundation for healthy communication and provide freedom through compartmentalizing the process of raising kids in two homes. Everything from suggested topics to tone of voice are addressed in this thorough examination of meetings with your child’s other parent. One of the most frequent experiences in coparenting is how mom and dad do transitions between homes. Handling the handoff in an intentional and positive way will protect children from the possible “flashpoint” these moments can become. This creative vignette is set to music and represents the internal pain children can experience when their parents are in conflict. Topics include: • coparenting • single mother • coparent meetings • set boundaries • agree on discipline • setting schedules • finances in divorce • handoffs.

Sexual Behavior & Children

In this video, we talk about the common sexual behaviors in childhood, from preschool children up to twelve-year-old kids, how you should respond to them, and your important role in shaping your child’s healthy attitudes and behaviors toward sex. Topics include: • parenting • sexual behavior • common sexual behavior • response to sexual behavior • teaching limits • age-appropriate discussion • appropriate terminology • protecting your child.

Holidays, Special Occasions & School-Single Mother

Finding ways to make the holidays and special events about your kids’ experience and not about the schedule is challenging, but possible. Practical advice and creative alternatives are suggested to help ease the stress for everyone. Kids don’t have a big enough voice to speak up when they are hurting. A school counselor gives us insights regarding the challenges, troubles, and concerns that children face after divorce in the context of school. What do kids think about growing up in a divided family? Here are some of the greatest concerns, challenges, and authentic responses to “What do you wish you could say to your parents?” Topics include: • coparenting • holidays • special occasions • school • single mother.


Crecen juntos, viven la vida juntos y comparten a papá y mamá. A veces se pelean como perros y gatos, o muestran una bondad y un sacrificio increíbles. Y a veces, se pegan simplemente porque están aburridos. Son hermanos. Este video arroja luz sobre la relación única que tienen los hermanos mientras crecen juntos y elaboran las relaciones interpersonales, la comunicación eficaz y el trabajo en equipo que les preparan para la edad adulta. Se dan consejos sobre como educar a los hijos para que establezcan vínculos fuertes y como gestionar la rivalidad entre hermanos.

Preparing For A C-Section

When you were first pregnant, you may not have thought too much about the birth. After all, it felt like it was a hundred years away. But now as you near the end, you may have been told that you’re having a c-section, or maybe you’re just concerned that your delivery could turn into a c-section in the end. And you may be wondering, “What will it be like?” In this video, we talk about the things you can do to prepare for having a c-section that will make healing and caring for your baby easier. We’ll also talk about the procedure to help you understand what will happen on the big day!

Prepararse Para Una Cesárea

Cuando quedó embarazada, quizás no pensó mucho en el nacimiento. Después de todo, se siente como si hubiera sido hace cientos de años. Pero ahora que se acerca al final, le pueden haber dicho que tendrá una cesárea o tal vez solo le preocupa que su parto pueda pasar a ser una cesárea al final. Y quizás se pregunte: “¿Cómo será?” En este video, hablaremos sobre qué puede hacer a fin de prepararse para una cesárea, que hará que curarse y cuidar a su bebé sea más fácil. ¡También hablaremos sobre el procedimiento para ayudarla a entender qué pasará el gran día!


This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together and work on interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and teamwork that will prepare them for adulthood. The video will give tips on how to parent your sibling children to build strong bonds and how to manage sibling rivalry. Topics include: • best friends • sibling relationships • new baby • bonding • sibling rivalry • bickering • parenting.

Canceled-Going It Alone

Sorry for the inconvenience but class has been canceled for staff training. Thank you for your understanding