
Classes & Workshops

The Final Stretch

On your mark, get set, GO! The end of your pregnancy feels like one hundred days packed into one long month that oddly doesn’t seem long enough to get everything done to bring your baby home. There is so much to do and keep track of before birth! In this video we talk about the […]


Labor De Parto y Nacimiento: Medidas de Confort Natural

En este video hablamos sobre cómo manejar el dolor de forma natural. Así es, sin ningún analgésico. ¡Puedes hacerlo! Aprenderás sobre las tres R: Relajación, Ritual y Ritmo para ayudarte a controlar el dolor. Luego, discutimos varias técnicas de confort natural para ayudarte a disminuir la sensación de dolor. También discutimos los beneficios de un […]


Contacto Visual Significa Amor

Eye contact is much more important to us throughout our lives than we can imagine. Even as babies, it is key in the process of establishing emotional bonds with family. This video explores the development that is supported and the bond that is fostered by the intentional use of close eye contact.


Eye Contact Means Love

Eye contact is considerably more important to us throughout our lives than we may imagine. Even as infants, it is key to the process of establishing emotional bonds with family. This video explores the development that is supported and the bonding that is encouraged through the intentional use of up-close eye contact. Topics include: • […]


Understanding Your Infant

In this video, we discuss how you can understand your baby’s needs and how they communicate, their personality, and how they learn and grow. We’ll also talk about how you can take great care of yourself and line up the support you need. Topics include: • newborn • baby’s needs • crying • baby’s personality […]


Como Hacer Dormir Al Bebe

¿Por qué los bebés duermen durante periodos cortos de tiempo y cuándo puedes esperar que el tuyo duerma toda la noche? ¿Cuál es un ciclo normal de sueño y qué hace que tu bebé sea un "buen" durmiente? Este video responderá estas preguntas, te ayudará a superar algunos desafíos comunes a la hora de dormir […]


Getting Your Baby To Sleep

Why do babies sleep for such short stretches of time, and when can you expect yours to sleep through the night? What is a normal sleep cycle, and what makes a baby a “good” sleeper? This video will answer these questions, help you through some common sleep challenges, and provide tips on how to get […]



This video will answer these questions and help parents have peace of mind about SIDS by providing a game plan to reduce the risk of SIDS dramatically for their babies. Topics include: • third trimester • any time after birth • sudden infant death syndrome • suffocation • strangulation • unknown death • reduce • […]


Color Your Dreams-Stress Release Art For Moms W/ Katherine

Create with Katherine as she leads a relaxing art-class for moms. All materials are provided and no experience is necessary. *This is your chance to enjoy a therapeutic class designed just for adults, allowing you to focus fully on freeing yourself from stress.*


First Time Moms (Pregnant)

Led by Karina, this support group combines the best of the two worlds of education and emotional wellness. Participants will be journaling on prompts together, working through a pregnancy milestone log book and learning together as a first time moms. This is a support group with an educational emphasis on self-care, Karina will be making […]
