
The Final Stretch

On your mark, get set, GO! The end of your pregnancy feels like one hundred days packed into one long month that oddly doesn’t seem long enough to get everything done to bring your baby home. There is so much to do and keep track of before birth! In this video we talk about the things in your pregnancy that you need to keep a close eye on, the things you need to prepare for, and how to recognize the important signs of labor. Phew! Hang in there! You really are on the final stretch! Topics Include: 3rd-trimester •Monitoring fetal movement •kick count •Braxton Hicks •birth plan •home help •baby items •crib •bassinette •car seat •travel •diaper bag •mucus plug •effacement •dilation •rupturing membranes •leaking water •bleeding •decreased fetal movement •contractions •early labor •active labor •

El Último Tramo

Ready, set, GO! The end of your pregnancy feels like a hundred days crammed into one long month that amazingly doesn’t seem that long to get everything ready to bring your baby home. There is so much to do and keep track of before birth! In this video we’ll talk about what to keep an eye on in your pregnancy, things to prepare for, and how to recognize important signs of labor. Phew! You can do it! You really are on the last leg!

Your Third Trimester

In this video, we’ll talk about your changing body, what you might be feeling, your baby’s journey in development, and what you can expect in your third trimester. Topics include: shortness of breath • heartburn • swelling • hemorrhoids • constipation • leg cramps • stretch marks • tender breasts • belly button • insomnia • baby dropping • Braxton-Hicks • emotions • exercise • fever and chills • bleeding • labor • mucus plug • ruptured amniotic sac • signs of labor • fetal movement.

Su Tercer Trimestre

Te estás aproximando al tercer trimestre y te sientes MUY embarazada. El bebé se agranda y puedes sentir cómo se mueve y patea. ¿Qué sucede ahí adentro? A medida que tu cuerpo cambia para acomodarse al bebé en crecimiento, tienes más probabilidades de sentirte más cansada, pero a la vez, sorpresivamente, más enérgica.­ ¡¡Tu bebé nacerá pronto!! En este video, hablaremos sobre los cambios en tu cuerpo, lo que puede que estés sintiendo, el camino del desarrollo del bebé y lo que sucederá en el tercer trimestre.

Your Second Trimester

Your first trimester is now behind you and you are likely feeling better. Morning sickness may have eased up and you may be thinking, “I’ve got this!” Your baby is growing rapidly, and you might even be starting to sport a cute little baby bump. The second trimester is often the most comfortable time for a pregnant mom! While you still may not be feeling or seeing much yet, there is a lot going on in your womb. In this video we’ll talk about how your body is changing, your baby’s journey in development, and what you can expect in your second trimester.

Su Segundo Trimestre

The first trimester is behind you and you’re probably feeling better now. Your morning sickness may have subsided and you may feel like you’ve got everything under control. Your baby is growing quickly and you’re probably already sporting a baby bump. The second trimester is often the most comfortable time of pregnancy! Even though you don’t feel or see much of what’s going on in your belly yet, there are quite a few things going on. In this video, we’ll talk about the changes in your body, the path of your baby’s development, and what to expect in the second trimester.

Your First Trimester

You’re pregnant, and you’re wondering, now what? There is a lot to know about pregnancy, your changing body, and your developing baby. So much happens in that first trimester! You will experience changes in your body, your emotions, and your lifestyle. Your baby also goes through a lot of growth, developing into the little person you soon will see in less than nine months! This video takes a look at pregnancy in the first trimester and also talks about your baby’s journey in development.

Su Primer Trimestre

You’re already pregnant and wondering, what now? There’s a lot to know about pregnancy, the changes that occur in your body and your growing baby. A lot happens during the first trimester! You’ll feel changes in your body, emotions and lifestyle. Your baby is also starting to grow and will become the little one you will have in less than nine months! This video covers the first trimester of pregnancy and also talks about the changes in your baby as it develops.

Bonding With Your Unborn Baby

From conception to birth, your baby embarks on an incredible nine-month journey. She is developing and growing from her own genetic blueprints. Even though you haven’t met her yet, you can start bonding with her while she is still growing in your womb. Learn about her incredible journey and how you and she are connected and explore the incredible masterpiece that is your son or daughter. Topics include: • pregnancy • conception • first trimester • fetal development • second trimester • third trimester • connection • bonding • ultrasound • unborn baby.

3rd Trimester Expectations

Pregnancy is a unique nine-month experience. Third-Trimester Expectations completes the stories of Mariah and Tyler, Laila and Joseph, and Mikayla and Kyle as they enter their final trimester of pregnancy. You are invited to journey with them to the end as they have their babies! Topics include: third trimester • Mariah • Tyler • Laila • Joseph • Mikayla • Kyle • worries • symptoms • medical concerns • moods • worries.