An unmedicated birth may not be for every mom, or you might change your mind as labor progresses. Even if you plan for an all-natural birth, some medical situations may come up that need to be addressed. This lesson will cover the various medical pain relief options—from taking the edge off to removing most of the pain, and the various medical interventions and procedures you might encounter during labor.
Tag: Labor Series
Your Body & Birth
SENSITIVE MATERIAL Your body was designed to give birth. In lesson two, you’ll learn how your anatomy works with hormones to move your baby from your uterus, through the birth canal, and into your arms. This happens in four stages, called the stages of labor.
Entendiendo El Parto De Brandy / Técnicas Reconfortantes
En este video hablaremos de la importancia de una persona de apoyo durante el parto, de probar diferentes posiciones y técnicas de respiración que le ayudarán con el dolor de parto, también escuchar música o usar imágenes para distraerse y relajarse. Algunas mujeres usan el agua o hidroterapia.
You Are In Control
Congratulations, you’re getting so close to holding your sweet baby! Taking a birth class is a great way to prepare for the labor and delivery you’ll soon be experiencing. When it comes to your child’s birth, you are in control. It will affect your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. For this reason, you’ll want to give careful thought to planning your birth. This first course will discuss the Bright Birth plan, labor expectations, and finish up by talking about your support team.
Entendiendo El Embarazo/Entendiendo El Trabajo De Parto
Embarazo es el término utilizado para describir el periodo en la cual el feto se desarrolla en vientre o útero de la mujer. El embarazo se divide en tres trimestres, cada trimestre dura 13 semanas. En este video hablaremos de malestares comunes, anatomía del embarazo, cuándo llamar al profesional de salud y señales de parto prematuro.
Trabajo de parto es el proceso que conduce al nacimiento de su bebé, consiste en una serie de contracciones uterinas rítmicas, involuntarias o inducidas y el parto consiste de diferentes etapas.
L & D: Natural Comfort Measures
Pain in childbirth can feel pretty scary. You might wonder, “can I handle it?! What if I can’t?” In this video we talk all about managing pain the natural way. That’s right, without any pain medication. You can do this! You’ll learn about the three Rs: relaxation, ritual, and rhythm to help you manage pain. Then we discuss various natural comfort techniques to help you lessen the sensation pain. We also discuss the benefits to a more natural birth, and why learning them is helpful, even if you’re planning on the epidural.
L & D: Medical Pain Relief, Interventions
Having a baby is hard work, and choosing how you manage your pain is important. You get to choose! Do you want to take away some or most of the pain? You should know that choosing a medicated option will lead to certain other interventions and procedures. In this video, we discuss your medical pain-relief options, the interventions to which they lead, and some of the medical procedures you might face in childbirth. We’ll show you how to make great decisions in the moment using the B.R.A.I.N. method so you have the best birth experience possible. Topics include: • B.R.A.I.N. • benefits • risks • alternatives • no • not now • medical pain relief • narcotics • epidural • spinal block • nitrous oxide • sterile water injections • medical procedures • interventions • induction • stripping membranes • pitocin • fetal monitoring • breaking bag of water • episiotomy • forceps • vacuum.
Labor Expectations
They did it! Couples Laila and Joseph, Mikayla and Kyle, and Mariah and Tyler each had their babies! I bet you can’t wait to see how it all turned out in this final video! Join these three couples as their pregnancies come to an end and experience labor and delivery with them as they have their babies. Topics include: • Mariah • Tyler • Laila • Joseph • Mikayla • Kyle • labor • contractions • pushing • epidural • pitocin.
Preterm Labor
Premature labor is labor that begins early, before 37 weeks. Premature labor can lead to premature birth. In this video, you will learn general pregnancy warning signs and signs of preterm labor.
Parto Prematuro
El trabajo de parto prematuro es el trabajo de parto que comienza temprano, antes de las 37 semanas. El trabajo de parto prematuro puede llevarlo a un parto prematuro. En este video, aprenderá las señales de advertencia generales del embarazo y las señales de trabajo de parto prematuro