
Enfrentándolo Sola

En este video se consideran y analizan las necesidades esenciales de cada madre, incluyendo: • Vivienda • Ingresos • Alimento • Transporte Lo que se necesita para ser padres puede ser abrumador, pero se brindan opciones y soluciones posibles para dar ánimo a la madre a través de cada situación. Después de resolver estas necesidades físicas, se examinan las necesidades emocionales e intelectuales tanto de la madre como del niño. Al igual que antes, se ofrecen consejos para fomentar una familia saludable emocionalmente. Elegir ser padres puede ser una gran decisión. Este video está diseñado para ayudar a las madres a tomar esa decisión, quienes analizarán sus opciones después de considerar la información que necesitan para idear un plan que logre unir todas las piezas.

Going It Alone

This video explains the essential needs of every single mother, including the four most important: shelter, income, food, and transportation. Each need is discussed, and various options are given as possible solutions. Then, the emotional needs of both the mother and the child are discussed, and advice and help are given to encourage an emotionally healthy family. Finally, their intellectual needs are discussed, with encouragement for continuing education and appropriate play for the child. Topics Included: • second trimester • third trimester • single parenting • basic needs • parenting alone • shelter • Income • work • assistance • food • WIC • transportation • budgeting • emotional needs • friendships • dating • dating dangers • baby’s emotional needs • discipline • schooling • GED • college • technical schools • online school • parenting classes • planning • goals.


This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together and work on interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and teamwork that will prepare them for adulthood. The video will give tips on how to parent your sibling children to build strong bonds and how to manage sibling rivalry. Topics include: • best friends • sibling relationships • new baby • bonding • sibling rivalry • bickering • parenting


This video sheds light on the unique relationship siblings have as they grow up together and work on interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and teamwork that will prepare them for adulthood. The video will give tips on how to parent your sibling children to build strong bonds and how to manage sibling rivalry. Topics include: • best friends • sibling relationships • new baby • bonding • sibling rivalry • bickering • parenting.

At Risk Pregnancy

At Risk Pregnancy

There is risk in everything we do in life, including starting a family. Most pregnancies progress just fine, but sometimes along the way, a complication can arise. It’s scary when this happens. In this video, we will look at the different medical conditions that can affect your pregnancy or your health, what to do if you experience concerning symptoms, what symptoms you should always see your medical provider about, and how to get through a complication. In the end, all we want is a healthy baby and a healthy YOU.

At Risk Pregnancy

In this workshop, we will look at the different medical conditions that can affect your pregnancy or your health, what to do if you experience concerning symptoms, what symptoms you should always see your medical provider about, and how to get through a complication. In the end, all we want is a healthy baby and a healthy YOU.

At Risk Pregnancy

In this workshop, we will look at the different medical conditions that can affect your pregnancy or your health, what to do if you experience concerning symptoms, what symptoms you should always see your medical provider about, and how to get through a complication. In the end, all we want is a healthy baby and a healthy YOU.