
Eye Contact Means Love

Eye contact is considerably more important to us throughout our lives than we may imagine. Even as infants, it is key to the process of establishing emotional bonds with family. This video explores the development that is supported and the bonding that is encouraged through the intentional use of up-close eye contact. Topics include: • eye contact • communication • emotional needs • love • disapproval • failure-to-thrive syndrome • learning • newborn • visual development • brain coupling • developmental disability • social skills • bonding • connection

Contacto Visual Significa Amor

Eye contact is much more important to us throughout our lives than we can imagine. Even as babies, it is key in the process of establishing emotional bonds with family. This video explores the development that is supported and the bond that is fostered by the intentional use of close eye contact.

Simple Infant Care

This video will provide mothers with information on a variety of less-common subjects that are important to the well-being of their children. Some of these include how to hold a newborn, techniques for soothing a crying baby, bed sharing, burping, infant walkers, pacifiers, and more. Each section is based on research and professional recommendations by leading medical organizations. After watching this video, new parents will be able to make informed and study-based choices in each subject for the care of their newborns. Topics include: newborn • bed-sharing • co-sleeping • SIDS • sudden infant death syndrome • room-sharing • crying • crying checklist • crying spells • soothing • swaddling • skin-to-skin • pacifier • burping • spit up • vomiting • holding • supporting neck • infant carriers • check carrier • back carrier • car seat carriers • infant walkers • dressing infant.

Cuidado Infantil Simple

Este video le proporcionará a las madres la información correspondiente a una variedad de asuntos poco habituales que son relevantes para el bienestar del niño. Algunos de estos incluyen cómo sostener a un recién nacido, técnicas para calmar al bebé cuando llora, colecho, sacar eructos, andadores, chupones y más. Cada sección se basa en investigaciones y recomendaciones profesionales realizadas por destacadas organizaciones médicas. Luego de observar este video, los padres primerizos serán capaces de tomar decisiones informadas con conocimiento de causa respecto a cada asunto relacionado al cuidado de sus recién nacidos.

Infant Expectations

In this video, we talk about the development you’ll see in your baby in the three- to six-month range and how you can encourage and help your baby learn. Topics include: • three to six months • language and communication • social and emotional milestones • cognitive milestones • development • normal expected age ranges • infant milestones • movement milestones • physical development • baby’s personality • interacting with baby.

Mommy Nutrition

This video looks at why a mommy’s nutritional needs are important and how you can make healthy choices 90 percent of the time, so you don’t have to feel guilty about those occasional “feel good” choices. We’ll look at what your nutritional needs really are and how you can easily meet them with just a little planning. Topics include: • processed foods • junk food • emotional eating • habits • nutrition • myplate.gov • fruits and vegetables • whole grains • proteins • dairy • oils • choosemyplate.gov.

Simple Infant Care

This video will provide mothers with information on a variety of less-common subjects that are important to the well-being of their children. Some of these include how to hold a newborn, techniques for soothing a crying baby, bed sharing, burping, infant walkers, pacifiers, and more. Each section is based on research and professional recommendations by leading medical organizations. After watching this video, new parents will be able to make informed and study-based choices in each subject for the care of their newborns. Topics include: newborn • bed-sharing • co-sleeping • SIDS • sudden infant death syndrome • room-sharing • crying • crying checklist • crying spells • soothing • swaddling • skin-to-skin • pacifier • burping • spit up • vomiting • holding • supporting neck • infant carriers • check carrier • back carrier • car seat carriers • infant walkers • dressing infant.

Cuidado Infantil Simple

Este video le proporcionará a las madres la información correspondiente a una variedad de asuntos poco habituales que son relevantes para el bienestar del niño. Algunos de estos incluyen cómo sostener a un recién nacido, técnicas para calmar al bebé cuando llora, colecho, sacar eructos, andadores, chupones y más. Cada sección se basa en investigaciones y recomendaciones profesionales realizadas por destacadas organizaciones médicas. Luego de observar este video, los padres primerizos serán capaces de tomar decisiones informadas con conocimiento de causa respecto a cada asunto relacionado al cuidado de sus recién nacidos.

Dunstan Baby-Language Lesson 2

The Dunstan Baby Language video teaches parents the five cries all newborns use to communicate their everyday needs. You’ll know when your baby is hungry, tired, needs burping, has gas, or is simply uncomfortable. You’ll settle your baby faster, resulting in a happier baby who sleeps longer and cries less. Topics include: • Dunstan Baby Language • “neh” • “owh” • “eh” • Toni • Nicole • Catherine • Priscilla Dunstan • listen to baby • Melanie • hungry • needs to be burped • baby sleep • baby words

Taking Care Of Yourself After Birth

This video will share tips on what to expect after giving birth and how a postpartum woman can take great care of herself. Topics include: postpartum healing • vaginal discharge • postpartum contractions • sore muscles • hemorrhoids • breast leaking • breast engorgement • vaginal recovery • c-section recovery • caesarean recovery • rest • sleep • nutrition • constipation • postpartum exercise • Kegel exercises • emotions • PPD • postpartum depression • baby blues • returning to work.