Postpartum Depression
Pregnancy and birth are supposed to be a joyful time, with the excitement of parenthood and a new baby, dreams of your sweet family, and those wonderful bonding moments. But all this may lose some of its joy because of maternal depression and anxiety. This depression or anxiety can begin during pregnancy and worsen after birth. It can be as mild as the “baby blues” or as disabling as postpartum depression or anxiety. This video looks at the “baby blues,” postpartum depression, and the difference between them. We’ll also talk about what to do if you have postpartum depression and some helpful tips on how to function at home and improve your mood. Topics include: third trimester • after birth • blues • sadness • weepiness • sleeping problems • PPD • postpartum depression • postpartum anxiety • PPD causes • PPD symptoms • PPD treatment • PPD psychosis • paranoia • hallucinations • harming the baby